I'm thrilled to suppor t you and your child wi th sleep. To get star ted, I'd love to learn more about you. Please fill out this form as completely as possible.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Your Profession & Hours of Work (if applicable)
Your Partner's Name
Your Partner's Profession & Hours of Work (if applicable)
Does your child have any siblings? If so, what age?
Does your child have any other caregivers?
Does your child attend daycare or preschool? If so, what days/hours and where do they sleep?
Child’s name
Date of Birth
Was your child born prematurely? (# of weeks)
Any Health Concerns or Medical Considerations
Any Known Allergies
Current Medications
Please share about your child’s breastfeeding and/or bottle-feeding patterns, as well as whether you have introduced solids foods. For example, when does your child have a breastfeed and/or bottle during the day and at night, how many ounces, any pertinent feeding history (e.g. latch issues, supply challenges, etc.).
Please select the following items you use for your child’s sleep: Soother/PacifierNightlightSound MachineLovey or Comfort ObjectSwaddle or Sleep SackMerlin SuitBlackout BlindsOther
Where does your child sleep? (i.e. bassinet, crib, in arms, toddler bed, your bed, car, stroller, etc
What are your goals for your child’s sleep?
What challenges are you facing with your child’s sleep?
What sleepy cues/signs does your child show when they are tired?
How does your child fall asleep for naps? At bedtime? Through the night?
Do you have a naptime routine? If so, please explain
Please tell me about your child’s naps. How many naps a day, are naps difficult, what happens for naps, etc
What happens throughout the night? (i.e. how many night wakes, what happens at night wakes, etc.)
How are you coping with lack of sleep? Is there anything you would like me to know about you and how I can support you?
Please share any other thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have!
Please t rack a full day of your child’s actual sleep schedule. Thank you!
Day MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
What time did your child wake up in the morning?
How long was your child awake for before their 1st nap? What time was their 1st nap at?
How did your child fall asleep for their 1st nap, and how long was the nap? What time did they wake at?
How long was your child awake for before their 2nd nap? What time was their 2nd nap at?
How did your child fall asleep for their 2nd nap, and how long was the nap? What time did they wake at?
How long was your child awake for before their 3rd nap? What time was their 3rd nap at?
How did your child fall asleep for their 3rd nap, and how long was the nap? What time did they wake at?
How long was your child awake for before their 4th nap? What time was their 4th nap at?
How did your child fall asleep for their 4th nap, and how long was the nap? What time did they wake at?
When did you begin bedtime routine? What time did bedtime routine start?
How did your child fall asleep at bedtime? How long did it take them? What time did they fall asleep at?
What happened through the night? What time and how long were the night wakes? What happened at the night wakes?
Is there anything else you would like me. to know about this day and night?
How was your child’s feeding this day and night?
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